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My excessive energy, extreme narcissism, and intense love of neon-colored spandex is both managed and fueled by my addiction to fitness. I push myself to extremes and I push other people's buttons. Obviously I needed my own blog.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Thinking About CrossFit All Day Every Day

I think about CrossFit a lot. I read about it, I write about it, I dream about it, and then I even get to do it. The other day I thought I had clicked onto the CrossFit Hell's Kitchen Facebook group because all of the posts were CrossFit related. Then I realized it was my newsfeed.

This morning I was walking into work when I saw Selby warming up at the 8 AM class so I paparazzied him. The kid to the left of him who is cut out of the picture thought I was some wahoo off the street. I was okay with that.

A little later, while standing at my desk, I received a photo of someone doing handstand pushups against a filing cabinet. Clearly the only thing to do was ask my teammate to take pictures of me doing a headstand in our chute.

I had been freaking out about my form all day until I took a closer look at the shots below. I'm not actually leaning to one side as it appears above - it's my bubble dress sliding down one leg. Phew.

My friend Andrew sent me a message saying Formal Fran after seeing this. 
That's the WOD I'd like for my birthday this year FYI.

I went to the 5:40 PM WOD and PR'd my clean and jerk. I finally got 100 lbs. It felt so good to get that weight up there because I've been after this milestone since Oly Sunday back in November.

7 rounds of:
1:00 ME Wall Balls

0:20 ME Step Down Box Jumps 24/20″

0:40 Rest

I used 8 lbs for the wall balls because after Saturday's meltdown* I knew I needed to concentrate on my form. I used the 24" box because I can. And nothing makes a better place to record your reps than your right leg. I had 189.

*On Saturday I woke up with a mind splintering headache because I walked in the door at 5:30 AM and I woke up at 10 AM. Then I found annoying messages on my phone, clothing strewn around my apartment, and I really just wanted to stay in bed. Instead I got up for CrossFit. The WOD was just killer.

Tabata Double Unders (AMRAP - Reps)
8 rounds of 20 seconds on/10seconds off

Power Clean and Push Jerk
8:00 to work to a 2rm Power Clean & Push Jerk (1 CL & 1 PJ for 2 reps, touch and go reps – stay within the allotted time)

Power Clean and Push Jerk
3XME touch and go Power Cleans & Push Jerks @ 80% of max from 1 – rest 60 seconds

Metcon (Time)
30 UB Wall Balls 20/14

Rest 2:1

20 UB Wall Balls 20/14

Rest 2:1

50 Burpees
No rest
20 UB Wall Balls 20/14

Rest 2:1

30 UB Wall Balls 20/14

I actually had my shit together until the first set of 20 wall balls and then I was close to tears. I wanted to get to the burpees so badly and it just felt like I was never going to be done. My form was horrible. At one point I was just lobbing the ball at the wall. I might have used my knee. I was going to throw up, my heart was racing, I could feel years of bad decisions threatening to finally kill me. I didn't get to the last set of 30 wall balls before time was up. Thank God my partner Fiona got me through it because without her encouragement, I might have collapsed into tears.


  1. i thought you WERE some random person on the street when i saw you taking that picture while i was coaching. awesome.

  2. Hah! I've been meaning to get a shot of Selby lifting for months and I always forget so when I saw my opportunity, I was like, I'm taking this no matter how crazy I look. AND I have seen random people on the street taking photos. I smile and hope my form looks great.


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