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My excessive energy, extreme narcissism, and intense love of neon-colored spandex is both managed and fueled by my addiction to fitness. I push myself to extremes and I push other people's buttons. Obviously I needed my own blog.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Weight Loss Thursday 3.12.15

I'm definitely a day late for Weight Loss Wednesday. It's been a bit of a week. I've known for a while that my company is going through a pretty massive reorganization and that my current role could be eliminated. Not like that's anything new to me since it's happened to my position in 2012 and 2014, but I've never seen it happen on such a scale. Most of my team found out that their roles were gone for FY16 two weeks ago but since I'm special, I got to find out on Monday at 4:30 PM, aka the time I'm normally at the box.

Perhaps I'm in denial, but I'm just not that concerned for myself. I am confident that I will find a new job that I really like, either where I am or somewhere new. I'm more just annoyed at this whole drawn out process. Didn't they manage to lay off most of the staff in like two days in the movie Office Space? Why do we need three separate notification windows? And who gives this kind of news on a Monday over video chat?

Fried rice is my mortal enemy.
I'm back to 147.4 lbs. I ordered in a lot Sunday through Tuesday, had myself a bit of a pity party, and skipped CrossFit entirely on Monday. Bummer since the WOD was awesome but my evening was kind of ruined. I even cancelled my dinner plans.

Just as an FYI for anyone who knows me IRL and is freaking out right now - I have my current job through May 29, I was not fired, and I am actively looking at new roles both internally and externally. If you come across a position that you think I should apply for, please let me know because I have an updated resume and a collection of cover letter templates ready to be tailored for submission.

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