CrossFit Identity members got a fantastic message last week when we were told that Blaine would be coaching the 5:30 and 6:30 AM classes starting August 1. Blaine is one of my favorite coaches, but he stopped coaching before Eric and Brandon bought CFID. I have missed him telling me to get back on the bar because there's no time to stand around, that I have a butt wink (I think I fixed this), and that I need to push my knees out by my elbows.
The butt wink is the moment at the bottom of a squat when the pelvis begins to rotate backward and slip under the body. source |
So Kayte and I got on #theblainetrain and have gone to the 6:30 AM both mornings. It's actually kind of delightful to start the day with my favorite thing to do. Granted we haven't maxed out a lift yet, but I think I'm going to stick with this on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings.
Coach Blaine in his natural habitat. He's also on IG now! @letsgoblaine |
This morning's WOD sucked. It started with a EMOM 7 of 3 low hang power snatches, followed by to AMRAP 7 of 7 power snatches, 7 pull-ups, 7 HSPUs. I subbed strict dumbbell presses and I still felt like garbage. It was like make the girl with the shoulder issue feel bad about herself day.
Yesterday was fantastic. We did a power clean and a hang clean every 90 seconds for 12 minutes with increasing weight. I stayed light starting with 55# and ending with 95# because of my back but it felt good. And then I dominated the metcon. I used 100# instead of 125# for the cleans.
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