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My excessive energy, extreme narcissism, and intense love of neon-colored spandex is both managed and fueled by my addiction to fitness. I push myself to extremes and I push other people's buttons. Obviously I needed my own blog.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

School's Out for Summer

On my first day of summer vacation I was up and running by 6:44am. My new neighbor-running partner and I met by the entrance to the East River Esplanade, and took off at a good pace towards 120th Street. I felt like I was sleep-running. Working two jobs for the past two weeks has been killer. I know that so many people have to do this on a regular basis to make ends meet, and I have so much respect for them, because I am exhausted.

The neighbor is a faster runner than I am on a good day. The neighbor's pace nearly killed me yesterday. My legs felt like lead, my brain felt all fuzzy, and my lungs begged for oxygen during our quick rest at 120th. The thing about running outside is that you can't just stop moving when you're tired like on a treadmill - you have to get back home. I certainly wasn't going to walk back home, so we turned around and ran back. Nike+ GPS says we completed 4.45 miles in 36:38. I never know if I should pause the thing when I take a break. It seems a little unnecessary, but then the thing averages the "pace" it records while I stand around stretching and gasping for air.

With my workout completed by 7:30am, I spent the rest of the morning showering, napping, watching All My Children, and getting a pedicure. I hung out with a friend on his roof deck and worked on my tan. I took another nap and watched some more AMC. Then I headed over to Bikram NYC Upper East for ninety minutes of voluntary abuse. It was glaringly apparent that I need more yoga in my life since I started running more often. My goal is to get there twice a week.

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