This morning I went to the 9 AM at CrossFit Central LI and it was the first time I've been able to attend a WOD with a lot of the other members. Today's WOD had us split into groups of five at each station. I felt pretty good about myself when a few ladies asked me if I wanted to be in their group.
3 Rounds
Complete as many reps as possible in 1 minute for each exercise then move to the next exercise with no rest.
1 minute rest after the 5 exercises are complete.
Row for Calories
Dumbbell Thruster @35/20
Box Jump @ 20″
Hang Power Clean @95/65
and apparently I can't spell burpee properly |
There weren't enough dumbbells for every group so my group used a 40 lbs barbell for the thrusters. I started with burpees and I'm glad I did them first because I was able to get them out of the way and I got to rest for a minute after the hang power cleans. This is the heaviest weight I've used for hang power cleans and while I was able to do them, they were hard. This also tells me I should be increasing the weight I use and stop playing it safe.
I wish I had been able to get a photo of the group during the WOD because it was pretty fucking awesome to see so many people working hard at the same time. Now I know that I'm good looking (people tend to act a little shocked when I say that, but I own a mirror, I know what I look like) but like everyone else, there are times when I feel that I look my best. Most folks would probably say that I look my best when I am showered, wearing a dress, and have my hair did and make-up on, but I feel the most beautiful when I am sweaty, red in the face, covered in chalk, and pushing myself to the point of puking. Today was one of those days when I rolled out of bed and considered lying on the couch. An hour later I felt, and in my opinion, looked awesome.
I was running a little late this morning because I didn't want to get out of bed. I arrived in time to get my rope jumping and Samson stretching in and then completed the warm-up after the WOD. As we know, I love kettlebells and didn't want to miss out on my swings.