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My excessive energy, extreme narcissism, and intense love of neon-colored spandex is both managed and fueled by my addiction to fitness. I push myself to extremes and I push other people's buttons. Obviously I needed my own blog.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Wall Street Run and Heart Walk

Tuesday was the Wall Street Run and Heart Walk. New York Road Runners insisted there was nothing they could do about changing my walker bib to a runner one, so I ran the race unofficially. It wasn't that big of a deal, and I wasn't the only person wearing a green bib running, but I didn't have a d tag. I timed myself from the moment I crossed the starting line to the second I crossed the finish line, and I ran the three miles in 22 minutes even.

The course was a lot of fun. We ran all around the Financial District, taking over the streets and even the sidewalks. I've never seen the running of the bulls, but I imagined I was one of those bulls as I barreled down the road, jumping and weaving around pedestrians and slowpokes. I considered trampling a few but I figured it might negatively affect my time.

The first mile was pretty solid, if a little curvy. I ran it in 7:40, which isn't too bad for the number of people I had to pass. Mile 2 seemed to take forever, but I beasted (yes, it's now a verb) it in 7 minutes. The last mile was just absurd. We were directed towards the water, and then the course narrowed. Suddenly we were being funneled into this narrow pathway that has cement blocks to prevent vehicles from entering. I definitely almost took out my kneecap. It was nearly impossible to get around people as we approached the finish line. The potential to shave 10 seconds of your time is diminished when you're boxed in on all sides.

Overall a great evening. And if you are the attractive young guy I almost took out at the corner of Water and William, please send me an email.

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