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My excessive energy, extreme narcissism, and intense love of neon-colored spandex is both managed and fueled by my addiction to fitness. I push myself to extremes and I push other people's buttons. Obviously I needed my own blog.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Monday Night WOD

The stars aligned and Selby and I ended up in the same class. Since he's an 8 AMer and I go at 7 AM, 4:45 PM, or 7:45 PM, it's an unlikely but not impossible occurrence.

Folks at the box are participating in a paleo challenge. I ate an entire container of vanilla frosting lying in bed watching the Chargers game on Sunday. Shame shame on me.


15 minutes to establish a 3RM Pause (3 counts @ bottom of knee) Snatch.

10 min AMRAP of:
200m  Run
30 Lateral Jumps 12″
200m Run
15 C2B Pull-ups

  • 3 RM Snatch 3 count pause@bottom of the knee.: 1 x 3 @ 25 lbs | kept dropping after 2 with 30#. work on this!
  • 9.29.2013: 129 Reps | green band

Three rep max with the pause is hard, but I am proud of the work I did. Anthony called me out on my stance and corrected it and obviously that made a huge difference. Now I know I need to start with my feet close together and then turn out my feet. I see it as second position from ballet but with 6 inches between the heels. I had it at 25 lbs but I could only get through 2 reps with 30 lbs.

cleaning up after the WOD
Conditioning was super fun. We ran 200m, which is from our box to the hotel down the street and back, followed by 30 lateral jumps over our barbells. Nifty way to make a hurdle eh? Then we ran 200m again, followed by 15 chest to bar pull-ups. The green band and I have become great friends. Our score was combined reps, so 129 = 30 + 30 + 30 + 15 + 15 + 9.

Marc coached the 7:45 PM class
I was supposed to take photos of Selby performing his snatch but I forgot. Sorry bud. I promise one morning this week.

It was pretty late by the time I got out of there and I didn't even shower because all of my supplies were in crates from Mega Ultra Move. Lifting those things to try to find stuff is a workout in itself.

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